How to make the Gravedigger – Fill Shot Glass half and half with bacardi 151 and Jim Beam® Whiskey in any order you want.
How to make the Gravedigger – Fill Shot Glass half and half with bacardi 151 and Jim Beam® Whiskey in any order you want.
How to make the Green Creme de Menthe Cherry Kiss Sensation – Combine ingredients in a Shot Glass.
How to make the Green Creme de Menthe Covered Raspberry #2 – This recipe was for Green Creme de Menthe Covered Raspberry was kindly contributed by bartender Art Larsen… . Tattoo was not selling on well it’s own at the Fulton Bar in Lancaster PA so one slow night after a good amount of experimenting we came up with this shooter. Almost everyone tastes the flavor of Raspberry in the shot even though none of the ingredients are Raspberry flavor! It is now one of our most popular shooters.. “Combine ingredients with Ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake until well chilled. Strain into a Shot Glass and serve
How to make the Green Monster #2 – Pour 151 Rum, Lime Juice, and Food Coloring into a glass with several Ice Cubes. Shake, and strain into a Shot Glass.
How to make the Green Motherfucker – Pour each ingredient into a Shot Glass.
How to make the Frutty Fuck-Me-Up – Stir ingredients together in a Shot Glass, and serve.
How to make the Fucked Up Motherfucker – Pour ingredients in equal parts into a Shot Glass, stir, and serve.
How to make the Funeral For A Friend – We came up with this one for our friend on his birthday. Layer the 151 on top of the Wild Turkey® Bourbon in one Shot Glass, and in a separate chilled Shot Glass put the Rumple Minze® Peppermint. Light the 151, blow it out and pour it into the glass with the Rumple Minze® Peppermint in it.
How to make the Fuzzy Iron Worker – Shake all ingredients together in a cocktail shaker. Strain into a double-Shot Glass, and serve.
How to make the Fuzzy Nut – This drink is very smooth but a little sweet. If drinking the shaker my friends and I rate this drink an 7 on a scale of 1-10 of drunkenness. When taking these shots while drinking Beer your level of drunkenness will increase tremendously.Fill 10 oz Shaker with Ice, then pour at the same time the Malibu and the Peach Schnapps into the shaker, so you get 1/2 and 1/2. Shake vigorously. Serve into Shot Glasses.
How to make the Fuzzy Slammers – Fill half a Shot Glass with the Bacardi, add Lemon Juice and then add the champagne. Place hand over the top of the glass, slam the glass on the bar to release the bubbles and down the shot in one go. This is a great drink to start a party of with, the bubbles are amazing.
How to make the Flamming Gorrilla Titties – Add the 1 oz of Kahlúa® and then add the 1 oz of Bacardi 151 Rum to the Shot Glass. Place a small sipping straw in the Mixture and then light on fire. The straw is so you do not burn your eyebrows off. Once lit suck the shot through the straw till empty. Tastes like Green Creme de Menthe. I have made this drink quite often at parties and it goes over very well with everyone. Try it a few times it does take a little practIce to get it right.
How to make the White Lady – In a shaker half-filler with Ice Cubes, combine all of the ingredients. Shake
How to make the Campari® and Soda – The Campari® and Soda cocktail is popular on planes where the fruity,
How to make the French Russchian – Put the Ice Cubes in the glass, pour the Aniseette in, fill with
How to make the Dixie Whiskey Cocktail – Shake all ingredients with Ice, strain into a Cocktail Glass, and serve.
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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