Black Haus Basket
How to make the Black Haus Basket – Pour both ingredients into a large or double-Shot Glass, and serve.
How to make the Black Haus Basket – Pour both ingredients into a large or double-Shot Glass, and serve.
How to make the Black Haus Icicle – Pour the Black Haus Blackberry Schnapps into a Shot Glass. Add Smirnoff Vodka, followed by Cointreau® Orange Liqueur, and serve.
How to make the Black Haus Peach – Grab Mixing tin and scoop up some Ice. Squeeze a slIce of Lemon in the tin. Pour the Peach Schnapps and Black Haus and add a splash of Cranberry Juice. Shake and strain into a Shot Glass.
How to make the Bitter Apples #2 – Pour the Gin and Apple Pucker together first. Now add the 10-12 drops of Aftershock for spIce. Top off with Jägermeister.
How to make the Ball and Chain – In Shot Glass, Mix 1 part Gold with 1 part Rump, add a splash of Jager over the top. Manly shot with a tasty surprise.
How to make the Banana Bite – Pour GoldschLager® into Shot Glass, then drizzle Banana Liqueur over top.
How to make the Banana Split #2 – Combine the 99 Bananas Banana Schnapps, Kahlúa® Coffee Liqueur and Godiva Green Creme de Menthe in a cocktail shaker. Shake well and pour into a Shot Glass. Drop a Cherry into the glass, consume the liquid and eat the Cherry.
How to make the Bare Ass – Shake everything with Ice and pour into a Shot Glass.
How to make the Battery® Charger – The contributor first came across this drink in a bar in Dorset, in the south of the UK, in Jan 2005. It was in the single shot format, but was still quite lethal. It has an aniseed smell and a liquorIce taste, and it takes a while for the warming burn to make its way down your throat. Pour 1/3 of a shot of each type of Aftershock (Red, Green and Blue) slowly into a Shot Glass so that the colors remain separate (but it doesn’t really matter if they Mix together), then down it in one.
How to make the Beaubetween – Three friends invented the Beau between around a campfire in Northern Ontario. It was Originally called . Cleavage. ” however took on it’s new name which is not so obvious (Beau means nIce).Pour the Peppermint Schnapps into a Shot Glass. Add the Cream de cacao then layer the Tequila rose on top using the back of a spoon and serve.”
How to make the Apple Pie Shot #4 – Pour Liqueurs into a Shot Glass, top with Cinnamon and serve.
How to make the Apple Pie Shot #5 – Mix the DeKuyper Apple pucker and GoldschLager® in a shaker with Ice. Strain into a Shot Glass. Top with about a 1/4. of Amaretto
How to make the Dr. Malibu – Dr. Malibu was invented at a spring party in Kimball Nebraska when all
How to make the The LiquerIce” Dream””” – Add all ingredients in Shot Glass. Mix well before drinking.
How to make the Bazooka Bomber – Pour creme de Bananas, Triple Sec and Grenadine Syrup over Ice in an
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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