Andalusian Smile
How to make the Andalusian Smile – Shake ingredients and strain into an Old Fashioned Glass, three-quarters filled with broken Ice.
How to make the Andalusian Smile – Shake ingredients and strain into an Old Fashioned Glass, three-quarters filled with broken Ice.
How to make the Snow Shoe – Snow Shoe is popular in the Dover, Delaware area. Invented in the west coast and brought to the east.Pour both ingredients into a cocktail shaker. Shake, strain into an Old Fashioned Glass with/without Ice, and serve.
How to make the Sour Cow – Pour bourbon, fill rest of glass with cold Green Creme de Menthe. Drink it like a shot and enjoy.
How to make the Rebel Yell – In a shaker half-filled with Ice Cubes, combine the bourbon, Cointreau® Orange Liqueur, Lemon Juice, and Egg White. Shake well. Pour into an Old Fashioned Glass and garnish with the Orange slIce.
How to make the Sazerac #2 – In a spare glass, Mix the bourbon, the Simple Syrup, and the two kinds of Bitters. Make a twist of Lemon Peel by peeling it from a Lemon with a sharp vegetable peeler. Rub firmly around the rim of a well-Iced Old Fashioned glass. Put the Pernod® LicorIce Liqueur in the glass and swirl it around to coat the bottom. Add the contents of the other glass along with one Ice cube. Serve.
How to make the Narragansett – In an Old Fashioned Glass almost filled with Ice Cubes, combine the bourbon, Vermouth, and Aniseette. Stir well and garnish with the Lemon twist.
How to make the Lara Croft – Shake. Serve in an old fashioned glass. Garnish with a sprig of Mint.
How to make the North Dakota Special – Use a glass that this will fit in. add one at a time.
How to make the Jim’s Nuts – Equal parts Jim Beam® and Amaretto over rocks. Stir.
How to make the Jim Beam®’s Family – Combine all Jim Beam® Whiskey in an Old Fashioned Glass, and serve (consume as a shot).
How to make the J. R.’s Godfather – In an Old Fashioned Glass almost filled with Ice Cubes, combine both of the ingredients. Stir to Mix the flavors.
How to make the J. R.’s Godchild – In a shaker half-filled with Ice Cubes, combine the bourbon, Amaretto, and Milk. Shake well. Pour into an Old Fashioned Glass.
How to make the Boardwalk Breeze – Shake and strain ingredients into a Hurricane or large glass.
How to make the Netherland – Pour ingredients into an Old Fashioned Glass over Ice Cubes. Stir well and serve.
How to make the Jamaican Cabdriver – Put Ice in glass. Add Orange Juice and Coconut Rum. Add 1 to
How to make the Apple Manhattan – Stir the Whiskey and Liqueur in a Mixing glass with Ice and strain
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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