How to make the Seabreeze – Pour Vodka over Ice into highball glass. Add Mixers. May be garnished with a wedge of Lime.
How to make the Seabreeze – Pour Vodka over Ice into highball glass. Add Mixers. May be garnished with a wedge of Lime.
How to make the Screwdriver – Put 3 Ice Cubes into a highball glass. Pour in Vodka. Fill balance of glass with Orange Juice, stir, and serve.
How to make the San Francisco – Take a tall glass and put in a few Ice Cubes, fill the Vodka over it and fill with Juice then the . Cream. ” to end fill in the Grenadine Syrup but very carefully at the side of the glass so it will lay down in the bottom. garnish with Orange and Strawberry.”
How to make the Screwdriver with Color – Start with a shot or two (depending on your preference) of Vodka in the glass. Add Orange Juice until it’s almost full. Then add a shot or two of Kahlúa® , just until it’s has a bit of color. Then some Ice, and stirr
How to make the Russian seven – In a tall glass with Ice add 1.5 oz of Vodka, fill to top with seven-up. Garnish with Lime Peel.
How to make the Russian Sarin – Pour the Vodka and the Liqueur in a (long drink) glass with one or two Ice Cubes in it. Fill it up with Schweppes® Russchian.
How to make the Russian Qualude – Pour alcohol over Ice, top with Milk, stir and serve
How to make the Sammensurium (Mix up) – Build over Ice in a highball glass.
How to make the Russian funk – Blend Vodka, Lime and Sugar, top with Soda Water, serve in a highball glass.
How to make the Roxy Special – Give one good shake, add Lemon slIce and Cherry, and serve over Ice.
How to make the Robyn – Pour the Vodka into a highball glass, add russian ’til the glass is a little more than half-full, fill up with fruit Soda and top it with a drop of Lime Juice.
How to make the Red Devil – First add Ice, then Mix in the alcohols, then the Juice and Grenadine Syrup. Shake when all ingredients are Mixed. Serve in a 10-12 oz. glass.
How to make the Fatkid on the Rocks – Put the Ice Cubes in first then add the shots in
How to make the Caribbean Grid Lock – Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with Ice. Strain into a Sour
How to make the Highball – fill a medium glass most of the way with Ice, pour in 1 shot,
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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