How to make the GG – Pour the Galliano® Herbal Liqueur Liqueur over Ice. Fill the remainder of the glass with Ginger Ale and that’s all there is to it. You now have a your very own GG.
How to make the German Green Creme de Menthe – Pour shot of smirnoff and Frangelico® Hazelnut Liqueur into short glass. Heavily coat the Lemon slIce. Bite the Lemon, don’t swallow the Juice. Leave the Sugar on your lips, and take the shot. Lick the Sugar off your lips. Taste like german Green Creme de Menthe, w/out any Green Creme de Menthe in the Mix.
How to make the Galliano® Herbal Liqueur Hotshot – Layer Galliano® Herbal Liqueur, then hot Coffee, then Cream. Sprinkle with a pinch of Nutmeg.
How to make the Fruit Tingle – Pour Curacao over Ice in a tumbler. Add Raspberry Cordial and Lemonade at the same time so that the combined effect Mixes the drink. Consume!!! The drink is meant to taste like the lollies called Fruit Tingles, and it succeeds very well in this..
How to make the French Sailor – Mix 1 part warm Cointreau® Orange Liqueur and 1 part Vodka into a tumbler with a cube of Sugar. Stir until Sugar is dissolved.
How to make the Flying Masturbator – Pour the Vodka and Amaretto into the Collins Glass first. Then, add Orange Juice until the Collins Glass is about half full and add Cranberry Juice until the glass is about 3/4 full. Add Ice to fill the Collins Glass, then shake the drink vigorously for a few seconds. Enjoy.
How to make the Friar Tuck – Shake and pour into a v-shape, and garnish with Cinnamon.
How to make the Flying Tiger – Fill glass with Ice: add Galliano® Herbal Liqueur, Creme de Menthe and Vodka. Top glass off with Orange Juice. Enjoy!
How to make the Fluxuation Cocktail – Pour Mountain dew and Banana Liqueur into a glass, Stir. Slowly add the Blue Curacao so it takes on a type of swirling effect due to the bubbles, this is as fun too look at as it is tasty to drink.
How to make the Flaming Moz – Place a short rock (wide mouthed spirit glass) on bar. Pour the blue Curacao, White Sambuca and chartreuse into a Brandy balloon (snifter). Place the Brandy balloon horizontally, balancing on the mouth of the short rock. — Ignite the alcohol in the Brandy balloon. Rotate the Brandy balloon (like a cement Mixer). Pour Mixture from Brandy balloon to short rock while it is alight. The stream of alcohol falling between the glasses should form a Waterfall of fire cascading into the short rock. (I am a poet also) Use the upside down Brandy balloon to suffocate the drink in the short rock. Be sure the flames are out. — Remove the Brandy balloon and inhale the fumes. Shoot the drink. — Hold on to the bar very tightly!
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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