SCreaming Orgasm (San Francisco Style)
How to make the SCreaming Orgasm (San Francisco Style) – Simply Mix then add Ice.
How to make the SCreaming Orgasm (San Francisco Style) – Simply Mix then add Ice.
How to make the Scope – Put double of Creme de Menthe in a 10-12 oz (300-350ml) glass and fill to top with Ginger Ale, Tonic, or Soda Water.
How to make the Root Beer Float #3 – Mix Galiano, Cola and Ice. Float Cream on top by pouring over the back of a spoon which is just touching the top of the Coke Mixture.
How to make the Rotten Pussy – shake all ingredients and serve as a shooter
How to make the Rock Lobster – Fill glass with Ice. Add Razzamatazz and Crown Royal®. Fill with Cranberry Juice.
How to make the Red Zalo – Add pisang and Smash (Lemon Juice) and Ice Cubes in a Mixer and Mix it. Then add Lemon Lime Soda and the Strawberry Syrup.
How to make the Rebel Russian – Mix all 3 well and serve over Ice Cubes- enjoy!
How to make the Pure Exstacy – Fill Blender to the top with Ice Cubes. Add remaining ingredients. Blend until Ice is crushed adding more until texture is that of a Milkshake. Serve as many as you can, then make more.
How to make the Pudding Shots – These are so freakin good! Green Creme de Menthe ones are a lot like a Wendy’s Frosty but better cause the have alcohol in them. Yes there’s prep time, but it’s totally worth it and your guests will agree, they’ll be asking for more. Also, insTead of Collins Glasss I’ve used mini Ice Cream cones-no garbage, no mess- delicious! And feel free to be creative like by adding sprinkles, Green Creme de Menthe morsels, etc. Choose your favorite flavor or make them all for a Neapolitan experience.Mix all liquids with instant pudding in a large bowl. Add frozen cool whip a little at a time with a whisk or hand Mixer until smooth. Pour into small disposable Jell-O shot Collins Glasss, cover with lids and freeze for several hours. Easiest way…load then onto a cookie sheet. One batch makes about 25+. Keep frozen until ready to serve or they will turn to soup.
How to make the Pineappleless Pineapple Juice – Pour Southern Comfort® to the first line of a 16 oz. Solo Brand plastic Collins Glass. Add splash of Bacardi 151 Rum. Add 7up, Orange Juice, and Cola. Swirl it around in the Collins Glass a little bit and enjoy.
How to make the Player’s Passion – You pour the Cognac in first. Next pour the Alize. Last pour in the Champagne and stir.
How to make the Asphalt – Pour Brandy over Ice the glass. Fill with Coke. Garnish with a slIce of
How to make the French Martini – Mix all ingredients in a shaker with Ice, chill and strain in a
How to make the Canado Saludo – Pour the White Rum, Orange Juice, Pineapple Juice, Lemon Juice, Grenadine Syrup and
How to make the Liquid Jecktar – Just Mix all together, in cooled shaker, shake well and serve in regular
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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