Banana LicorIce
How to make the Banana LicorIce – Pour proper amount of each into a 2 oz. Shot Glass.
How to make the Banana LicorIce – Pour proper amount of each into a 2 oz. Shot Glass.
How to make the Barn Burner – Word on the street is that Mohawk’s Ginger Brandy has ceased production, so your Barn Burner may have to be put out after all. Nonetheless, for those that still have a few cases locked up, here’s a nIce recipe. Mix ingredients together in a Shot Glass, and serve.
How to make the 1.21 Gigawatts – The 1.21 Gigawatts’ name is derived from the movie Back to the Future. Layer the Hpnotiq® and Stoli Raz into a Shot Glass. Drop 1 to 3 drops of Grenadine Syrup into the center of the shot (the shot should look red. The Shot Glass is to be held inside the glass at the glass’ brim and then dropped entirely into the Redbull. There should be enough Redbull in the bottom of the glass to submerge a normal 1 oz. Shot Glass completely.
How to make the Shotgun – Pour one part Jack Daniels® and one part Jim Beam® into Shot Glass then float Wild Turkey® Bourbon on top.
How to make the Snow Shoe – Snow Shoe is popular in the Dover, Delaware area. Invented in the west coast and brought to the east.Pour both ingredients into a cocktail shaker. Shake, strain into an Old Fashioned Glass with/without Ice, and serve.
How to make the Sour Cow – Pour bourbon, fill rest of glass with cold Green Creme de Menthe. Drink it like a shot and enjoy.
How to make the The Gripper – Three buddies Sean, Chad & Tom invented this drink one magical night at a place called Trader Jacks in Eastlake, Ohio (Cleveland) in June of 2007. After almost a year in development, the stars aligned right and The Gripper was born. Inspiration came from a summer of painting together and using a primer called Gripper on anything and everything. So, after getting high on Gripper fumes all summer and missing the feeling we knew we had to create a shot to cure our fix. It wasn’t easy, it had to be good and hard and it had to look like paint. Mission accomplished! It doesn’t look pretty, but tastes oh so good! Trust us!Layer chilled ingredients in order: Jim, Baileys, Jack then Red Bull® Energy Drink. Technically we like to add each ingredient chilled into the glass in order but you can chill the first 3 in a shaker and pour into the glass then top with the Red Bull® Energy Drink.
How to make the Turkeyball – Shake with Ice and strain into a Shot Glass.
How to make the Wild Black Betty – Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker over Ice. Shake and strain into a Shot Glass, and serve.
How to make the Wild Peppertini – Combine, chill and strain into either a Shot Glass or ups glass.
How to make the Scunion – Craig Gauthier and Brian Jamison invented this shot in Jackson, Mississippi in March 2005. The band members of MOrange Juiceo Bones were present. This shot is very UNPOPULAR due to its taste and ability to take it’s victim from sober to drunk in 30 seconds. It has become a semi-legendary in the southern states because most bartenders cringe when asked to make’s a shot. All three liquors in even amounts. Doesn’t matter which order you Mix them in.
How to make the Shot-gun – Pour one part Jack Daniels® and one part Jim Beam® into Shot Glass then float Wild Turkey® Bourbon on top.
How to make the East India Cocktail #2 – Stir all ingredients with Ice, strain into a Cocktail Glass, and
How to make the Limelon – Mix all liquids then fill with Ice. Finally cap with Powdered Sugar.
How to make the Black Allocation – This drink, Black Allocation, became popular in Toronto, created by Dr. Meshie. She
How to make the Gorilla Sweat – Mix all ingredients (except Cinnamon stick) and heat gently until butter is melted.
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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