How to make the Russian Qualude #3 – Layer drink by pouring each shot slowly over the back side of a Teaspoon held just above the liquid level.
How to make the Russian Roulette – Fill two or more shooter 1 oz. shooter glasses with the Kahlúa® and Vodka and place a slIce of Orange on the top of each glass. Put the Sambuca in a wine glass and light. Pour the lit Sambuca on the shooters below and let burn for a short time in front of your bedazzled guests. Blow out the fire and instruct the drinkers of the shooters to drink out of the glass first and chew the Sambuca-soaked Orange slIce last.
How to make the PolyJuice Potion – Although this polyJuice potion does NOT turn you into someone, it will make you think your someone else. Accio potion!For this to look like the polyJuice potion in the Harry Potter book, you have to layer the whole concoction. First the Kahlúa® to give the base, then the Vodka (whichever you prefer), then so forth. To simulate that the potion is bubbling, add the splash of coke at the top.
How to make the Psychadelic Tiger – I got the idea for this shot early in 2006 after eating a Green Creme de Menthe Orange during my shift behind bar. I thought of funky looking Liqueur to add and came up with the Psychedelic Tiger. it’s became quite popular in the bar I work in – the Polo Lounge in Glasgow Scotland.. “First put the Kahlúa® at the bottom of the shot-glass then pour in the Gomme Syrup. De gomme sinks to the bottom then add a splash of Grenadine Syrup in the middle. It will sink through the Kahlúa® and create a lava-lamp style effect. Then add the Blue Curacao on top of the Kahlúa® .”
How to make the Puerto Rican Monkey Fuck – Mix Kahlúa® and Cream de Banana in a shaker with Ice. Strain into a Shot Glass. Float the 151 on top.
How to make the Mini Murphy – This drink combines two Liqueurs to give the look of a miniature pint of Murphy’s Irish Stout, hence the name . Mini Murphy. “.Pour Kahlúa® into a Shot Glass until three-quarters full. Carefully layer a thin sheet of Baileys irish Cream on top and serve.”
How to make the Moon Pie – Layer. Coffee Liqueur first, Banana Liqueur on top.
How to make the Mother Fucker – Equal parts of Kahlúa® and Rumple Minze® Peppermint. Top with 151.
How to make the Muff Diver – Mix all the alcohol in a shaker with Ice, strain into a Shot Glass. Place Shot Glass into a wide-mouth rocks glass or similar container, fill rest of glass with Whipped Cream and add Cherry (optional).
How to make the Nuttylua – Stir the Kahlúa® and hazelnut-flavor Creamer together in a Shot Glass, and serve.
How to make the Pit Bull On Crack – Combine ingredients, all pre-chilled, in a Shot Glass. Serve.
How to make the Joe’s Killer Bee – Mix all ingredients then top with 151 Rum.
How to make the Serpentine – In a shaker half-filled with Ice Cubes, combine the Rum, Brandy, Vermouth, Lemon Juice,
How to make the Patriot – Pour Grenadine Syrup into a Shot Glass. Slowly pour in blue Curacao to create
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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