Flaming Mouth Wash
How to make the Flaming Mouth Wash – Place the Mint leaf in a Shot Glass. Pour the liquors into the glass, stir and serve.
How to make the Flaming Mouth Wash – Place the Mint leaf in a Shot Glass. Pour the liquors into the glass, stir and serve.
How to make the Demon Drop – Add the Everclear® first and then the Orange Juice so the Orange Juice settles on the top. Then shoot it. Repeat.
How to make the Flaming Open Wound – Pour the Grain Alcohol into a Shot Glass, and drop the Hot Pepper Sauce on top. Ignite, extinguish and shoot.
How to make the Dragon Sweat – Pour ingredients into Shot Glass and serve.
How to make the Dragon Sweat #2 – Combine ingredients in a Shot Glass.
How to make the Easy does it – Baileys first. Pour Kahlúa® . Float Everclear®. Bottoms up!
How to make the Epidural – Chill all ingredients well. Mix equal parts and serve in a Cordial glass. Or, if you have a test tube or beaker handy, go for it!
How to make the ET – Invented by several of my (retrospectively) foolhardy friends… the . ET. ” or . “E&T. ” is a play off the movie and the classic Gin and Tonic. It was invented as a means to consume Everclear® without spending several hours (of what otherwise could have been a pleasant night) praying to the porcelain gods. the Tonic Water hides the half shot of death rather well… though I’d personally use a taller Shot Glass so you get about 1:2 on the Tonic. it will still knock you on your ass… but for what it is it’s a keeper.Pour a half shot of Everclear® into a Shot Glass
How to make the Everlasting Sunset – Add Everclear® to a Shot Glass, followed by the Orange Juice.. then Pineapple Juice. Make sure the Cherry 7up has been in the refrigerator or on Ice still in the can. Pour that in last for a fizzy Cherry pop to the shot.. take a stirring stick and give it a small stir, then shoot and enjoy!
How to make the Evershock – Stir ingredients together in equal parts in a Shot Glass, and shoot.
How to make the Cherry Kick Coke – Measure a highball glass full of Ice into a cocktail shaker. Add
How to make the Get Faced – Pour contents on Ice pour into shaker give one hard shake then pour
How to make the TrOrange Juicean Horse – Mix coke and guinness in a pint glass.
How to make the Sunny D Screwdriver – Pour together and serve cold.
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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