How to make the Epitaph – Combine ingredients in a Shot Glass, and draw your last breath!
How to make the Epitaph – Combine ingredients in a Shot Glass, and draw your last breath!
How to make the Eskimo Joe – Layer Baileys First ,Milk, Creme de Menthe and Cinnamon Schnapps.
How to make the Extraterrestrial – Pour the jigger of Midori first. Then, very Gingerly, slowly pour the Irish Cream on top of the Midori. If done properly, the Irish Cream will sit on top of the Midori without Mixing. Repeat the procedure with the Stoli over the Irish Cream. This will give you a very attractive three layer drink. Optional – add a Teaspoon or so of Bacardi 151 on the top of the drink. Then, light the 151 and let burn for 5-10 seconds. Put out with a napkin. Shoot the drink and enjoy!
How to make the Falling star – Pour White Sambuca into Shot Glass as if you were pouring a normal shot only filling 3/4 of the Shot Glass. Slowly pour a little Jack Daniels® on top almost dripping it into glass. This will cause the Jack to slowly fall to the bottom of the glass, giving the appearance of a . Falling Star. “.”
How to make the Dublin Double – Fill a Shot Glass 1/2 full with Baileys, then fill the rest of the way with Kahlúa® .
How to make the Duck’s Ass – Mix in tumbler with Ice strain in Shot Glass.
How to make the Dudi Drop – Dudi Drop is a highly Original recipe served in an almost hollowed out Strawberry. The inventor was a student, nicknamed Dudi, at the Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. Try to buy the largest Strawberries there is, and try using an Ice tray for preparing more than one Strawberry at a time.Using a knife or equivalent, cut the center out of a Strawberry. It should resemble a Shot Glass in some way. The closer you get to the edge of the Strawberry the better, but try not to cut all the way through the Strawberry. If you’re upto carving more than one, then do that now. For each carved Strawberry, take the Tequila Rose® Strawberry Cream Liqueur and pour it in the Strawberry filling it to the top. After it’s filled, take the Whipped Cream and cover the top of the Strawberry. Now drop the Strawberry bottom first into your mouth and enjoy the most refreshing juicy Strawberry you have ever had.
How to make the Dutch Flag – Layer. Blue Curacao first, then pina Colada and last Grenadine Syrup on top.
How to make the Dysentery – This drink was invented one New Years Eve in Minnesota when a blizzard prevented travel to anywhere. In an effort to persevere and bring in the new year correctly, a stranded young man took inventory of what was available in the house, took bottles in hand and started to experiment. Being a fan of cement Mixers, and Abortions (shots) Ian Adams, Combined the Baileys with the other ingredients just to see what happened. The result was a rancid looking Mixture. But! on further inspection it smelled sweet, and tasted sweeter. The Drink was a hilarious hit with the other castaway party goers. It has a great shock value. Great taste. Gets the party going. Severe Dysentery is really good at covering up the taste of terrible, old, forgotten Vodka. It isn’t well known but it has been an entertaining beverage at several parties since then.Lightly Mix Green Creme de Menthe, and Baileys in separate Collins Glass. Pour Dr. Pepper® into highball. Now Poor the Green Creme de Menthe Baileys into Dr.Pepper. Baileys will congeal. Add Vodka of you want Severe Dysentery
How to make the Easy Access – The inventor is Corey Ruckert of Opera nightclub, Atlanta. It has a fruity first taste but the second taste is, the industry favorite, Grandma! It packs a hidden Punch. Mix alcoholic ingredients, Ice, and Orange Juice in a bar tin, strain, enjoy!
How to make the Eat My Cherry – Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with Ice. Strain into a hurricane glass. Garnish with a Cherry.
How to make the Eating Ass – Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with Ice. Strain into glass.
How to make the Hyper Monkey – Pour 1/2 oz. Kahlúa® into Shot Glass and float 1/2 oz. Banana Liqueur
How to make the Algonquin Bar Punch – Shake and strain into an Old Fashioned Glass three-quarters filled with cracked
How to make the Coke and Drops – Take a glass, pour the Coke in the glass, then you take
How to make the Amaretto Cherry Sour – Chill all ingredients before serving. Pour over Crushed Ice in a medium-sized
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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