Oatmeal Cookie Shots
How to make the Oatmeal Cookie Shots – In a Shot Glass, layer the 100-Proof DeKuyper® Hot Damn Cinnamon Schnapps first, then add the Buttershots, and slowly top with Baileys Irish Cream.
How to make the Oatmeal Cookie Shots – In a Shot Glass, layer the 100-Proof DeKuyper® Hot Damn Cinnamon Schnapps first, then add the Buttershots, and slowly top with Baileys Irish Cream.
How to make the Oatmeal Cookie with Raisins – Blend, add Ice, strain into rocks glass
How to make the Nanogram – Fill Shot Glass 3/4 full with Butterscotch Schnapps, then sink the Midori slowly and float Baileys on top. Chug.
How to make the Napalm-Death – Take a Shot Glass and take equal amounts of the liquor. First the Kahlúa® , then slowly pour down the Drambuie®, then the Baileys and last the Cointreau® Orange Liqueur. Try to get fine layers.
How to make the Nature Boy – Pour 1/3 Southern Comfort® into the glass, then 1/3 Amaretto and finally 1/3 Sour Apple Schnapps
How to make the Neon Green Punch – Combine ingredients together in a chilled Shot Glass and serve.
How to make the Neopolitan #2 – Stir ingredients together in a Mixing glass with a few Ice Cubes. Strain into a Shot Glass, and serve.
How to make the Neopolitan Dynamite – Neopolitan Dynamite was created by Brooke Wallace, bartender at . The SandBar. ” in Erieau Southern Ontario Canada. A favourite to all who try it. Get its name from the movie Napoleon Dynamite and it’s similar taste to Neapolitan Ice Cream.Pour all 3 ingredients into a shaker with Ice. Shake and strain into Shot Glasses and serve.”
How to make the Nitrous Oxide – Pour both ingredients into a Brandy snifter. Tilt glass and flame the liquor. When flamed cover it completely so no oxygen escapes (very imPortant). You will feel a suction to the hand, pop your hand off, take the shot, and immediately cover the glass again so no oxygen escapes. Make a slight hole in between your index and thumb, and inhale as much as u can, and hold it. That is the Nitrous Oxide!
How to make the Morphine Drip – Pour 1/2 shot Butterscotch Schnapps into Shot Glass. Top with 1/2 shot of Amaretto, splash with 151 Rum and light on fire. Put out fire and drink.
How to make the Absolut Sex – Shake Absolut Kurant, Midori, and Cranberry Juice in shaker with Ice: Strain into
How to make the Tropical Lullaby – Shake with Ice. Strain into a Cocktail Glass. Could be garnished with a
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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