Vampire’s Kiss
How to make the Vampire’s Kiss – Shake with Ice. Strain over Ice in an old fashioned glass.
How to make the Vampire’s Kiss – Shake with Ice. Strain over Ice in an old fashioned glass.
How to make the Sweet Italian Bastard – Simply Mix all the ingredients together in a cocktail Mixer full of Ice Cubes. Shake well, strain and serve. Enjoy.
How to make the Soviet – Shake all ingredients (except Lemon Peel) with Ice and strain into an Old Fashioned Glass over Ice Cubes. Add the twist of Lemon Peel and serve.
How to make the Soviet Cocktail – Mix all ingredients, except Lemon Peel, with cracked Ice in a shaker or blender and strain into a chilled Cocktail Glass. Twist Lemon Peel over drink and drop into glass.
How to make the Serena – First of all put in the Mixing glass absolut Vodka then Strawberry Vodka, Dry Vermouth, Pineapple Juice, blue Curacao and Lemon Juice. Now shake with Ice and fill up the glass.
How to make the SCreaming Viking – Stir liquids with Ice then strain into a Cocktail Glass. Garnish with Celery and cucumber. Serve immediately.
How to make the Rob Love – Mix the ingredients in a glass and stir. Add Ice Cubes.
How to make the Red Orange – Shake in jigger with Ice and pour into martini glasses
How to make the Red Vodkatini – Mix Vodka, Vermouth, and Creme de Cassis. Pour over Crushed Ice, and garnish with a slIce of Orange.
How to make the Pepe’s Flame of Love Martini – As explained from the great bartender Pepe Ruiz of Beverly Hills Chasen’s Restaurant: . You swirl a few drops of La Ina Sherry in a chilled stem glass and pour it out. Than squeeze a strip of Orange Peel into the glass and flambe’ it with a with match. Throw away the peel. Now fill the glass with Ice to chill again then throw that out. Add Vodka than flambe’ another Orange Peel around the rim. Now throw out the second burnt peel. Then just stir it gently. And drink drink.. “”
How to make the Amaretto Sourball – Shake all ingredients together with Ice in a cocktail shaker. Strain into a
How to make the Flaming Mouth Wash – Place the Mint leaf in a Shot Glass. Pour the liquors into
How to make the Bushwacker #3 – Put all contents in a blender and blend until smooth. Ice Cream can
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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