Sweaty Mexican Lumber Jack
How to make the Sweaty Mexican Lumber Jack – Fill the Shot Glass 3/4 with Yukon Jack®. Next fill the rest of the Shot Glass with Tequila. Last add 3 to 4 drops of Hot Pepper Sauce.
How to make the Sweaty Mexican Lumber Jack – Fill the Shot Glass 3/4 with Yukon Jack®. Next fill the rest of the Shot Glass with Tequila. Last add 3 to 4 drops of Hot Pepper Sauce.
How to make the Sneaky Snake Bite – In the extreme Southwest [Tucson – 90 miles from the Mexican border] we use a number of different hot sauces [from Mexico, not Tucson, depending on the part of town the drink is served in]. it’s imPortant to use the local hot sauce in your area, which your patrons are familiar with, so that a local ‘customized’ version of this popular drink can be bragged about. By not Mixing the drink after the addition of the hot sauce, the sauce’s peculiar/unique flavor is immediately ‘recognized’ by the consumer’s tongue, then ‘satisfied’ with the cool balance of the rest of the liquor. For the ‘Perfectly- Sneaky Snake Bite’, eliminate the Ice and serve in a SMALL or MINIATURE Whiskey glass or Shot Glass, frosty-fresh from the freezer. You won’t blend a better cool-shot in the summertime and your customers will find themselves hanGing around the bar for more, long after they’d intended. The problem with this scenario? it’s hard to keep that many small Whiskey glasses in the freezer for thirsty patrons. This drink is a favorite of our local and ‘just-passing-through’ Harley groups on I-10, or other motorcyclists, who want a ‘cool-throat’ or two, then move on down the road. Our locals drink it by the Beer schooner with a MOrange Juiceave Rattler wrapped around their head-band… JAYsus. Of course, neither Doc Holliday, the ‘Cowboys’ nor the Earp brothers ventured into a Tombstone saloon for very long before cowering to the mighty ‘Snake Bike.’ It was popular even then.Pour ‘Jack over nine MINIATURE Ice Cubes (two, regular) in a small Old Fashioned Glass; add Rose’s® Sweetened Lime Juice at 6-8. height above the glass to Mix; then your local hot sauce also ‘at height’ (4-5. ” above the glass). The exact proPortion of Yukon to Roses by volume is recommended. But Hell when it’s hot and the customer’s thirsty?…”
How to make the Snakebite #4 – One of the more popular snakebite drinks, with Whiskey and Lime Juice.Fill a Shot Glass three-quarters full with Yukon Jack®. Add a splash of Lime Juice, and serve.
How to make the Snakebite #1 – Pour two ounces of Yukon Jack® over Ice; add a dash of Lime Juice; enjoy
How to make the Sever St. Special – Fill a Collins Glass most of the way with Ice. Pour in the Yukon Jack®. Fill with Lemon Lime Soda. Stir.
How to make the SCreaming Blue Viking – Combine liquors in a shaker of Ice and shake. Strain into Shot Glasses. Partakers must sCream . Valhalla!!. ” before doing the shot. Can also be served on the rocks in a large goblet for the brave warrior.”
How to make the Rocky Mountain Mother Fucker – Combine ingredients in shaker over Ice and chill. Strain and pour in Shot Glass.
How to make the Rocky Mountain Bear Fuck – Mix blue Curacao and Midori® Melon Liqueur (cold strain for best results) and top off with 2 splashes of Canadian Club Rye.
How to make the Rattlesnake Shot – Since this is basically a shot drink, Mix to your own taste
How to make the Peach Smoothie – Layer in Shot Glass Yukon Jack®, Jack Daniels® and Peach Schnapps last
How to make the Liquid Cocaine #6 – Mix the alcohol in an 8-12 oz glass. Cover and shake for about 3 seconds. Mix the Juices together in a glass of your choIce, (add Ice for character), and pour in alcohol. Serve chilled.
How to make the Chelsea Cocktail – Pour the Vermouth, bourbon, Blackberry Brandy, Cointreau® Orange Liqueur and Lemon Juice into
How to make the Wakey Wakey – A good wake up shot after drinking a few too many! Made popular
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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