Pink Flamingo #2
How to make the Pink Flamingo #2 – Add Ice and Vanilla Schnapps and Grenadine Syrup. Add the a splashes of Orange Juice and fill with the Cream. Garnish with 2 Cherries.
How to make the Pink Flamingo #2 – Add Ice and Vanilla Schnapps and Grenadine Syrup. Add the a splashes of Orange Juice and fill with the Cream. Garnish with 2 Cherries.
How to make the Multi-coloured Smurf – First shake the Orange Juice, Vodka, and Mango Syrup with the Ice in a shaker. Float the apricot Liqueur, and Blueberry Schnapps in Cocktail Glass. Then float the shaken Vodka and Juices.
How to make the Maple K.I.S.S. – Stir ingredients together in a Shot Glass. Tastes like Cinnamon Syrup.
How to make the Kiss From Rudy – Pour alcohol first, add Juices, then Grenadine Syrup and Cream, garnish with Cherry or Pineapple wedge.
How to make the Mad Scientist – Fill Shot Glass less than 1/2 full with Blueberry Schnapps, add same amount of Raspberry Schnapps. Slowly top off with Grenadine Syrup. Dribble a small amount of Baileys on top..
How to make the Inverted Traffic Light – Fill Cocktail Glass with Ice. Pour in the 1 oz. of Peach Schnapps, then add Orange Juice 3/4 to the top and shake. Slowly add the 1/2 oz. of Grenadine Syrup (watch it sink to the bottom of the glass). In a Mixer, Mix the 1/2 oz. of Blue Curacao with the 1/2 oz. of Vodka then, slowly strain into the Cocktail Glass (filled with Orange Juice and Grenadine Syrup). Voila! Your inverted Traffic Light. Note: The drink is consumed in layers and therefore, not stirred.
How to make the Jambalaya – Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with Ice. Strain into a Shot Glass.
How to make the Jam Doughnut – Pour the Butterscotch Schnapps into a Shot Glass, and float the Baileys Irish Cream on top of the Schnapps. Pour the Grenadine Syrup through the Baileys Irish Cream so that it sinks into the Butterscotch Schnapps, hence resembling a jam doughnut. Serve.
How to make the Georgia Pie – Shake with Ice. Pour into a tall glass. Garnish with Orange slIce and a Cherry.
How to make the Glam Trash – Pour 3/4 glass with chilled GoldschLager® then add 1/4 glass of Bud Light. Splash Grenadine Syrup on top for color. Allow the Beer to suspend the gold flake in the glass. Serve immediately.
How to make the De-Lay – This drink is named De-Lay, notably because it goes down smooth, then it implodes.Combine equal amounts of each liquor in a Shot Glass and stir. Add a splash of Grenadine Syrup, and serve.
How to make the Dirty Fetus – Pour the Butterscotch Schnapps into a Shot Glass. Layer the Baileys on top. Add the drops of Grenadine Syrup creating tiny red veins in the layers. Serve.
How to make the Drunk Watermelon – Cut a hole in the top of the Watermelon and pour all of
How to make the Booty Call 101 – Stir all ingredients together in a highball glass filled with Ice Cubes,
How to make the Atlanta Brave – Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with Ice Cubes. Strain into Cocktail Glass.
How to make the Spank the Monkey – In a double Shot Glass, add .75 oz of 99 Bananas with
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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