Old Glory
How to make the Old Glory – Layer the drinks in above order into a Shot Glass. Red/white/blue like old glory. Shoot.
How to make the Old Glory – Layer the drinks in above order into a Shot Glass. Red/white/blue like old glory. Shoot.
How to make the Orange Flamingo – First fill glass 4/5 of the way up with Orange Soda. Then add your Grenadine Syrup. Finally add the Whipped Cream to the top.
How to make the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster #3 – Pour all ingredients into a cooler, chill, and serve. As with most Punches, it’s hard to be specific about the amounts used. A general rule: pour as much of everything as tastes good, then add more Vodka! To make life more interesting, throw in pieces of fruit, and add dry Ice to the cooler before serving. Small plastic animals also make a nIce garnish (but don’t drink them)!
How to make the Parisette – Pour Grenadine Syrup over some Ice Cubes in a large tumbler. Stir. Fill up with cold Milk. Stir again, serve with a drinking straw.
How to make the Pink Elephant – Pour Grenadine Syrup into snifter and swirl around so it coats most of the glass surface. Dump out. Add Gin.
How to make the Meister Mind Meld – Pour the Cola into a highball glass. Then add the Amaretto. Finish off with one Ice cube so the carbonation does not leave the beverage
How to make the Mexican Flag – Layer Drink: Using spoon, pour shot over spoon over glass. Fill with Grenadine Syrup first, then Creme de Menthe, and last but not least Tequila. The layers form the mexican flag enjoy.
How to make the Pink Squirrel #2 – Pour ingredients over Ice filled glass and shake or stir to Mix and then strain.
How to make the Milpsi – Pour Milk in first then pepsi and drink before it starts to seperate.
How to make the Port And Starboard – Pour carefully into a pousse-cafe glass, so that Creme de Menthe floats on Grenadine Syrup. Serve without Mixing.
How to make the Mock Pink Champagne #2 – Combine all but Ginger Ale and Ice. Chill. Add Ginger Ale and Ice before serving.
How to make the Daiquiri Liqueur – Pare very thinly the bright-colored rind from the Limes (no white). Blot the
How to make the Knickerbocker Cocktail – Stir all ingredients (except Lemon Peel) with Ice and strain into a Cocktail
How to make the Beer Margaritas – This is a strong drink. It can be made with less Tequila according
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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