How to make the Poison – Mix the Vodka and the Parfait d’Amour® Orange Liqueur in the glass and fill of with Bitter Lemon Soda
How to make the Poison – Mix the Vodka and the Parfait d’Amour® Orange Liqueur in the glass and fill of with Bitter Lemon Soda
How to make the Pink Panther #2 – Add all the ingredients into the glass, and stir for a moment.
How to make the Pink Panty Pulldowns #2 – In a 2 gallon jug pour in 9 oz of Maraschino Cherry and the Juice. Then pour in fifth of Vodka over Cherries and let soak for a few minutes. Then pour in Lemon Juice and fill jug with Lemon Lime Soda. Pour Mixture into serving container and strain out Cherries. When serving drinks over Ice drop Cherries in.
How to make the Pink Passion – Build drink in a highball glass as listed. Use lots of Ice Cubes. Garnish with Lime wedges.
How to make the Pink Pillow – Pour the Vodka in first and add Grenadine Syrup till it is nIce and pink. Then add equal parts of Sour Mix and Ginger Ale until the glass is full.
How to make the Piss in the Snow – Let the Vodka and Avalanche chill thoroughly in the freezer. Put Ice Cubes in large glass, pour in Mountain dew and rest of ingredients. Stir and serve.
How to make the Phoenix Paradise – Place all of the ingredients into a blender and blend for about 20 – 30 seconds. Then pour into a highball glass or a Gibraltar 14 oz glass.
How to make the Peach 200 – Poor the Koskenkorva Peach in a glas, fill up with Cola and stir. To be served cold, but without Ice.
How to make the Peach Flambe – Mix all ingredients except 151-Proof Rum w/ Ice in shaker. Pour into Shot Glass. Float 151-Proof Rum (or Everclear®) on top and light w/ a match. Note: Do not use too much Grenadine Syrup as doing so will produce a pink or reddish color rather than the desired Peach color!
How to make the Petit Zinc – Shake with cracked Ice and strain into a chilled Cocktail Glass. Garnish with a Cherry or a slIce of Orange.
How to make the King of Denmark – Stir the Pernod® LicorIce Liqueur Black, add several big Ice Cubes.
How to make the K.G.B. Cocktail – Shake all ingredients (except Lemon Peel) with Ice and strain into a Cocktail
How to make the Fragile Baby – Mix liquor ingredients, then add Coffee to fill. Top off with whip Cream
How to make the Penthouse – Pour ingredients in the glas. Shoot it down. Have a Lime wedge afterwards.
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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