Carolina Piece of Ass
How to make the Carolina Piece of Ass – Add ingredients to a cocktail shaker half-filled with Ice Cubes. Shake and strain into a 2-oz Shot Glass, and serve.
How to make the Carolina Piece of Ass – Add ingredients to a cocktail shaker half-filled with Ice Cubes. Shake and strain into a 2-oz Shot Glass, and serve.
How to make the Campari® Soda – Pour the Campari® over Ice Cubes in a highball glass, then fill with sparkling/Soda Water. Squeeze a Lime wedge over the glass, drop it in, and serve.
How to make the Campola – Pour into an Ice-filled highball glass. Garnish with a slIce of Lime.
How to make the Candied Sever St. Special – Fill Collins Glass most of the way with Ice. Add Yukon Jack® and Midori. Fill with Lemon Lime Soda. Stir.
How to make the Campari® and Ale – Campari® and Ale invokes a gradient effect produced as the carbonated Ginger Ale sits on top of the Campari®. This cocktail has been affectionately referred to as the . Crimson Gradient.. ” Many enjoy it’s simplicity yet alluring tang and indescribable sweetness. Place several Ice Cubes into a 12 oz highball glass or equivalent. Gently pour in the Campari® Bitters until one-quarter full. Add the Ginger Ale until three-quarters full pouring across the side of the glass so as to not affect the Campari® on the bottom.”
How to make the Campari® and Bitter Lemon Soda – Pour the Campari® over Ice in a highball glass. Add bitter Lemon, garnish with a Lemon Peel, and serve.
How to make the Campari® and Soda – The Campari® and Soda cocktail is popular on planes where the fruity, tangy flavor of the Campari® refreshes your mouth, a treat when you are on long haul flights where you literally dry out due to the lack of humidity in the airline cabin. Pour Campari® Bitters into a highball glass until half-full. Completely fill the rest of the glass with Soda Water, and serve.
How to make the Buttery So-Co – Pour the Butterscotch Schnapps and Southern Comfort® Peach Liqueur into a highball glass with a little Ice. Top with Cola to taste, and serve.
How to make the By The Pool – Shake briskly for 10 seconds and serve in a tall glass over Ice.
How to make the C60 – Pour ingredients into an Ice-filled highball glass, and serve.
How to make the Cactus Cola – Pour all ingredients over Ice Cubes in a highball glass. Stir well, and serve.
How to make the ButterBeer #2 – Take a pint glass or mug and fill with Ice Cubes. Half-fill the glass with Mickey Finns Butterscotch and Vanilla Liqueur (available at grocery stores) and fill the rest of the glass with Root Beer before serving.
How to make the Bav – Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with Ice. Strain into a rocks glass.
How to make the Green Creme de Menthe Martini – Pour ingredients into shaker filled with Ice then pour into
How to make the Lollishot – Stir ingredients together in a Mixing glass with Ice Cubes. Strain into a Shot
How to make the Tang® – Pour Sweet & Sour, Red Bull® Energy Drink and Orange Juice in a pint
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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