Babymama Drama
How to make the Babymama Drama – Mix 99 Bananas, Pineapple Juice, and Stoli with Ice. Strain into test tube, float 151.
How to make the Babymama Drama – Mix 99 Bananas, Pineapple Juice, and Stoli with Ice. Strain into test tube, float 151.
How to make the Beach Haus – Pour Black Haus Blackberry Schnapps and Captain Morgan Rum into a wine goblet with Ice. Top with Pineapple Juice, garnish with a Pineapple spear and a Maraschino Cherry, and serve.
How to make the Bailey’s Comet – Shake and Strain the Butterscotch, Baileys, and GoldschLager® into a Cocktail Glass. Float the Sambuca, then sprinkle Cinnamon or Nutmeg into drink (Before you flame the drink). Just before presentation, flame the drink. As the Sambuca burns, the Cinnamon will sparkle. A dazzling effect if the bartender or server is walking with the drink while it’s burning (give the comet a tail).
How to make the Beam SCream – Mix shots in 3-4 oz glass, stir, then drain it.
How to make the Bailey’s Comet #1 – Shake and Strain the Butterscotch, Baileys, and GoldschLager® into a Cocktail Glass. Float the Sambuca, then sprinkle Cinnamon or Nutmeg into drink (Before you flame the drink). Just before presentation, flame the drink. As the Sambuca burns, the Cinnamon will sparkle. A dazzling effect if the bartender or server is walking with the drink while it’s burning (give the comet a tail).
How to make the Beaubetween – Three friends invented the Beau between around a campfire in Northern Ontario. It was Originally called . Cleavage. ” however took on it’s new name which is not so obvious (Beau means nIce).Pour the Peppermint Schnapps into a Shot Glass. Add the Cream de cacao then layer the Tequila rose on top using the back of a spoon and serve.”
How to make the Baked Apple – Pour the Liqueur into the glass first, then add the Cider. Serve cold.
How to make the Belgian Berry – Combine Black Haus and Baileys Irish Cream over Ice in a rocks or Old Fashioned Glass. Garnish with fresh berries, and serve.
How to make the Ball and Chain – In Shot Glass, Mix 1 part Gold with 1 part Rump, add a splash of Jager over the top. Manly shot with a tasty surprise.
How to make the Ballistic Banana – Chill ingredients, then combine in a Cocktail Glass.
How to make the Balmore Pucker – Pour Schnapps or Pucker first, then fill with Vanilla Coke.
How to make the Banana Bite – Pour GoldschLager® into Shot Glass, then drizzle Banana Liqueur over top.
How to make the Cherry Tree Climber – Blend briefly with half a glassful of Crushed Ice. Pour into a
How to make the Annexation Of Puerto Rico – Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with Ice. Strain into glass.
How to make the Naked Twister Shots – Pour both ingredients into separate Shot Glasses. Drink half the Pepsi, shoot
How to make the Is That a Banana in Your Pocket – Phil Collins Glass with Ice. Mix ingredients and
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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