Jack’s Vanilla Coke
How to make the Jack’s Vanilla Coke – After pouring in your ingredients, and adding 3-5 Ice Cubes, according to taste. Stir the drink with a stirrer to get the Vanilla off the bottom.
How to make the Jack’s Vanilla Coke – After pouring in your ingredients, and adding 3-5 Ice Cubes, according to taste. Stir the drink with a stirrer to get the Vanilla off the bottom.
How to make the Lassi – Sweet #2 – Mix them all together in a blender. The measurements are not precise because you ought to just throw everything into taste. This is mainly here to help out those, like myself, who tried making the Sweet Lassi with the other Sweet Lassi recipe, and found out that it was pretty bad – Watery, not sweet, et cetera. Ice is the key.
How to make the Lawn Boy – Put the Ice in a blender, pour the Vodka over it, toss in the Mint, and fill with Limeade. Blend until smooth, adding Sugar little by little until it’s just right. More Vodka may be added during blending as well.
How to make the Loopy Lemonade – Fill glass (preferably a pint glass) with Ice. Add 2 oz. Absolut Citron. Squeeze two Lemon wedges and add three packages of Sugar. Fill reminder of glass with 7up and Sweet & Sour.
How to make the Metropolitan – In a shaker half-filled with Crushed Ice, combine all of the ingredients. Shake well. Strain into a Cocktail Glass.
How to make the Duncan MacLeod – Mix the alcohols in a Beer Mug, and add the coke to fill. Mix gently, serve cold.
How to make the Cosmos – In a shaker half-filled with Crushed Ice, combine all of the ingredients. Shake well. Strain into a Cocktail Glass.
How to make the Sweet Sangria – Dissolve the Sugar in hot Water and cool. Peel the citrus fruits and break into wedges. Mix the wine, Simple Syrup, fruit, and Fresca® in a pitcher and put in the fridge for a few hours. Serve in tall glasses with a straw.
How to make the Acapulco Twister – Mix the Lemon, Hot Pepper Sauce, Clamato Juice, Salt and Pepper. Fill the glass with some Ice, add the Rum and fill with Corona® Beer.
How to make the Sangria – The World’s Best – Mix wine, Sugar and fruit, and let sit in the fridge for 18-24 hours. The Mixture will have a somewhat Syrupy consistency. Before serving stir in Brandy and cut the Mixture with Soda Water until it have a thinner, more wine like consistency. Serve from a pitcher in wine glasses.
How to make the Sangria #1 – Mix all together in a pitcher and refrigerate. Add Clovess and Cinnamon sticks to taste. Serve in wine glasses.
How to make the Peach Punch – Get a big bowl (40 litres) and put everything in. Mix until all the Sugar is dissolved, then let it rest for not less than 12 hours. Before drinking you can add some more Sugar or Brandy depending on your taste.
How to make the Abbey Cocktail – Shake all ingredients (except for the Cherry) with Ice and strain into a
How to make the Brown Elephant – Combine all ingredients with Crushed Ice in a shaker. Shake and pour into
How to make the Johnnie Cocktail – Shake all ingredients with Ice, strain into a Cocktail Glass, and serve.
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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