Colonial Rummer
How to make the Colonial Rummer – Add crushed glass halfway up glass. Add liquor ingredients. Stir with swizzle stick. Garnish with fruit. Relax and sip.
How to make the Colonial Rummer – Add crushed glass halfway up glass. Add liquor ingredients. Stir with swizzle stick. Garnish with fruit. Relax and sip.
How to make the Citrus Smack – Fill glass with Ice. Add Rum, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Fill reminder of glass with Grapefruit Juice. Stir and garnish with Orange and Lemon wedges.
How to make the Bleeding Surge®on – Pour Shot of Rum over slIce of Orange. Fill the remaining space in glass halfway full of surge or similar drink. Finish off glass with Cranberry Juice. Be careful, warm surge may foam over the glass.
How to make the Apricot Lady – In a shaker half-filled with Ice Cubes, combine the Rum, Apricot Brandy, Triple Sec, Lemon Juice, and Egg White. Shake well. Strain into an Old Fashioned Glass almost filled with Ice Cubes. Garnish with the Orange slIce.
How to make the All Plucked Up – Add Ice, Orange Juice, Lime Juice, Pineapple Juice, Dark Rum and Coconut Rum to a shaker. Shake until very chilled and blended. Strain out Ice as you pour the remaining contents into a Cocktail Glass (looks great in a martini glass). Add Grenadine Syrup. Use one slIce of Orange to decorate glass rim.
How to make the Sun Shake – Mix in blender until smooth. Garnish with slIce of Orange.
How to make the Oklahoma Tropical Twister – Place both cans of Cream of Coconut (unopened) in hot Water for 10 minutes. Then pour the Pineapple Juice, Orange Juice, Cream of Coconut, and Grenadine Syrup in a large Punch bowl. Stir for 3 minutes to ensure proper Mixture. You can add the liquor in with the Mix or add it to each drink as it is poured. 1.5 oz per 12 oz drink. By leaving out the SpIced Rum the kids can drink this as well. It is a great NAB drink. Serve over Crushed Ice. Place the Pineapple Wedge, Orange Wedge, and the Cherry on a tooth pick and drop in drink. For a Oklahoma Frozen Twister place all the ingredients in a blender with a 12 oz Collins Glass of Ice and blend until smooth. Then add garnish.
How to make the Campari® Milkshake – Pour cold Milk in a pot. Slowly add Orange Juice. Finally add Campari®. Stir really well. Put Ice Cubes in glass and pour in Milk-shake. Garnish with slIce of Orange. Serve with straw.
How to make the Volcano – Pour Liqueurs into a champagne flute. Fill with Ice-cold champagne. Twist Orange Peel over drink.
How to make the Top Banana – Shake all ingredients with Ice, strain into an Old Fashioned Glass over Ice Cubes, and serve.
How to make the Sloe Gin Collins – Shake Sloe Gin and Juice of Lemon with Ice and strain into a Collins Glass. Add several Ice Cubes, fill with carbonated Water, and stir. Add slIces of Lemon and Orange, top with the Cherry, and serve with a straw.
How to make the Shriner Cocktail – Stir all ingredients (except Lemon Peel) with Ice and strain into a Cocktail
How to make the Dewing the Captain – Pour 1 oz Morgan over Crushed Ice Add Mountain Dew®
How to make the Hair Raiser – Shake all ingredients with Ice, strain into a Cocktail Glass, and serve.
How to make the Moulin Rouge – Stir ingredients with Ice and strain into chilled glass.
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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