Lawn Boy
How to make the Lawn Boy – Put the Ice in a blender, pour the Vodka over it, toss in the Mint, and fill with Limeade. Blend until smooth, adding Sugar little by little until it’s just right. More Vodka may be added during blending as well.
How to make the Lawn Boy – Put the Ice in a blender, pour the Vodka over it, toss in the Mint, and fill with Limeade. Blend until smooth, adding Sugar little by little until it’s just right. More Vodka may be added during blending as well.
How to make the South Side – Add all ingredients to blender including one Mint leaf as it will be blended up and leave little specks at top of drink. After drink is complete add other whole Mint leaves. A Lime wedge can also be added. Amount of Soda Water should fluctuate according to how strong the Lemon-Lime solution is.
How to make the Mint Russki, or SpearMint Ivan – 1. Place 3 to 6 twisted or crushed fresh Mint leaves into a medium sized Cocktail Glass 2. Add 2 to 3 shots of your favorite frozen Vodka 3. Add Ice if desired 4. Stir lightly
How to make the Mint Russki – Add crushed or twisted leaves of Mint, Ice Cubes, then frozen Vodka. Stir and serve.
How to make the Master Chief – Add all ingredients (except Orange skin) to a blender. Blend on high setting for 30 seconds. Add Orange skin and blend for 10 seconds. Pour into a tall glass and serve.
How to make the Breath Freshener – Place the Mint leaf in the bottom of the glass. Add the Vodka first and fill with the Creme de Menthe.
How to make the Bitter Cleet – This is an Original creation by Buddha Bar Dubai Bartenders. A bizarre taste sensation of bitter, pink and slightly Mint in your palate, gives you the Cleet experience. While you are about to finish one you’re already thinking about the next. Fill a Boston glass 3/4 of Ice, pour all the ingredients, shake vigorously for no more than eight seconds along with the Mint leaves at the last add the Mint. Use Hawthorn strainer to strain through Tea strainer into frozen martini glass, this will exclude the shards of Ice and the Mint leaves getting into the drink. Garnish with a small Mint leaves out side of the glass.
How to make the Aj Summer Drink – Take a martini shaker add Mint leaves & Ice Muddle break down the Mint too much. Then add Grey Goose Vodka, fresh Lemon Juice, Triple Sec, Simple Syrup now add more Ice cube. Shake all ingredients together and strain into a chilled Cocktail Glass. Enjoy
How to make the 1800 Mint Lemonade – In a tall Mixing glass muddle Mint with Simple Syrup. Add 1800® Reposado and Lemon Juice then add Ice and shake vigorously. Strain over fresh Ice into a Collins Glass and top with Club Soda. Garnish with a wheel of Lemon and a fresh Mint sprig.
How to make the Rum Punch #2 – Dissolve Honey in warm Water. Put liquid Honey, Lemon Juice and Rum together in tall jug. Add Mint leaves and leave to stand while brewing Tea. Pour boiling Water in a jug and steeped Tea bag for 5 minutes. Remove Tea bag and chill Tea. Pour chilled Tea and Dry Ginger Ale and Rum Mixture. Stir well. To serve: pour over one Ice cube in each glass.
How to make the MOrange Juiceito #3 – Put Mint with Lemon Juice in a glas, mash the Mint with a spoon, Ice, Rum & fill up with Club Soda. Top it with Angostura®.
How to make the MOrange Juiceito #2 – In a tall thin glass, crush part of the Mint with a fork to coat the inside. Add the Sugar and Lemon Juice and stir thoroughly. Top with Ice. Add Rum and Mix. Top off with the Club Soda (or seltzer). Add a Lemon slIce and the remaining Mint. Serves one.
How to make the Smartie – Put 1/2 oz. of Grape Schnapps, and 1/2 oz. Midori® Melon Liqueur into a
How to make the Killer Kool-Aid® #2 – Shake and strain, pour into Collins Glass filled with Ice. Garnish with
How to make the Southern Gin Cocktail – Stir all ingredients (except Lemon Peel) with Ice and strain into a
How to make the Got Kicked in the Jimmy – Combine Whiskey and Vodka in equal parts in a Shot
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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