How to make the Green Creme de Menthe Chequita – This drink won the Canadian National Cocktail competition in 1987 hosted by the Bartenders’ Association of Canada and was entered in the International Competition in Rome, Italy where it places a respectable 15th world wide.Inventor: Frank DrinkWater, Bar manager and Head Bartender, Deerhurst Resort, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada.Cut a 1/2 inch slIce of Banana and set aside for garnish. Add Crushed Ice, Banana, Irish Cream , Green Creme de Menthe and Kahlúa® together in a blender. Blend on frappe for 45 seconds or until smooth. The Mixture should have the consistency of a fast food shake when ready. Form the slIce of Banana and Cherry into garnish. Add thick straws and enjoy!