Carmel Candy Apple
How to make the Carmel Candy Apple – All ingredients should be freezer cold. Pour equal parts of the Schnapps and stir in the Triple Sec.
How to make the Carmel Candy Apple – All ingredients should be freezer cold. Pour equal parts of the Schnapps and stir in the Triple Sec.
How to make the Carmel Apple – Mix equal parts of freezer cold Schnapps.
How to make the Blue Tear Jerker – Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with Ice. Strain into glass. Tastes like Tear jerker candies!
How to make the Bitter Apples #2 – Pour the Gin and Apple Pucker together first. Now add the 10-12 drops of Aftershock for spIce. Top off with Jägermeister.
How to make the Bitter Apples – This drink requires a large open top glass to let the drink breathe during creation. Combine the Gin and Sour Apple together and stir. Pour the Jägermeister over the center of the glass and add in the drops of Aftershock. Swirl the glass around three times and drink!
How to make the Bilge Water – Bilge Water was invented by Mike Colton. On submarines, they have a place called the bilge. A bilge is where all the toilets drain down into. The bilge has a brown green coloring to it. As nasty as it sounds, this drink is actually really good. it’s oriGination is in Hampton Roads, VirGinia. Put first 4 ingredients into a Mason Jar. Add about 1-2 Collins Glasss Lemon Lime Soda, or as much as you want.
How to make the Balmore Pucker – Pour Schnapps or Pucker first, then fill with Vanilla Coke.
How to make the Applepuckertini – Build over Ice in a Collins Glass.
How to make the Applejack® Brandy Cocktail #2 – Pour both ingredients into a Mixing glass half-filled with Ice Cubes. Stir well, strain into a Cocktail Glass, and serve.
How to make the Applegasm – Applegasm was appreciatively contributed by the oriGinators, a pair of college students who thoroughly enjoy Apples and social drinking as opposed to getting sloshed immediately. Pour ingredients into a Collins Glass, Apple Schnapps first, and enjoy. It tastes like a Granny (green) Apple or green Apple jolly rancher. It can be made up per shot, per glass, or per party.
How to make the Applesauce – Invented by Vince at Frank’s in Chicago. It was a great shot, so a few of us began pouring it for our regular customers at different bars in the city (and drinking a few ourselves), it only took one month before an unknown customer came up and ordered a round. I asked where they learned it from, and of course they didn’t remember. Just goes to show you the power of great bartenders! Shake and pour.
How to make the Modified Duck Fart – Layer liquors in order listed from top to bottom in Shot Glass.
How to make the Fidel Castro – Fill the glass with Ice. Add the Rum and Lime Juice. Fill with
How to make the Dirty White Mother – Pour Brandy and Kahlúa® into an Old Fashioned Glass filled with Ice
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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