How to make the Carabinieri – Shake well with Ice, serve in high glass half filled with Ice.
How to make the Carabinieri – Shake well with Ice, serve in high glass half filled with Ice.
How to make the Casa Noble Margarita – Pour all ingredients over Ice and stir.
How to make the Cadillac Margarita – Shake Tequila, Triple Sec, Sour Mix, and Lime Juice with Ice. Pour over Ice in Salt-rimmed margarita glass. Float Grand Marnier® Orange Liqueur on top. Garnish with slIce of Lime if desired.
How to make the Cancun Ceasar – A spicy take on the classic Caesar (Bloody Mary in US). Essentially switching Tequila insTead of Vodka, and Lime Juice insTead of Worcestershire Sauce. Actually doubt if they serve this in Cancun (Caesars are a Canadian thing), but the same recipe with regular Tomato (Bloody Mary) maybe. I just thought the name would sound better this way.Rim glass with Lime and Celery Salt. Add all ingredients to glass, with Clamato Juice last and stir. Drop in a pickled Pepper.
How to make the Cabo – Shake ingredients with Ice and strain into a Cocktail Glass.
How to make the Cactus Berry – Shake with Ice and pour into large Salt-rimmed cocktail or margarita glass.
How to make the Border Crossing – Pour the Tequila, Lime Juice, Lemon Juice, and Cola into a highball glass almost filled with Ice Cubes. Stir well and garnish with the Lime wedge.
How to make the Bloody Urine – Pour the liquor into a Collins Glass with 3 Ice Cubes. Add the Mountain Dew® and Lime Juice, and lastly the Tropicana® Orange Juice, and serve.
How to make the Blue Margarita – Rub rim of Cocktail Glass with Lime Juice. Dip rim in coarse Salt. Shake Tequila, blue Curacao, and Lime Juice with Ice, strain into the Salt-rimmed glass, and serve.
How to make the Beergarita – Mix all ingredients except the Beer in a blender with Ice. Pour into a large pilsner/pint glass, then add the Corona® (which should be chilled) over the top. Garnish with a slIce of Lime, and serve.
How to make the Bloody Margarita – Shake with Ice, strain into a chilled Cocktail Glass, and serve.
How to make the Black Margarita – Combine ingredients in a shaker with Ice. Shake well and pour into a Salt-rimmed glass. Garnish with Lime and rosary: invoke curse of choIce.
How to make the Brain Eraser – In a sizable Shot Glass pour the SchBeer, then Kahlúa® , then Vodka.
How to make the Chambord®Daiquiri – Blend with one Collins Glass of Crushed Ice in a shaker or blender for
How to make the The Drink – Rinse glass with Sherry, discard Sherry. Shake Gin over Ice in separate glass
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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