How to make the Nay-Nay Strohmeyer – Just pour all three in a big container. Order is not imPortant.
How to make the Jeannie’s Dream – In a hurricane glass (or a long drink glass), pour Orange Juice, Pineapple Juice and 7up. Add Malibu® Coconut Rum and stir gently. Slowly add as a top off the Sloe Gin, so the red color slowly Mixes down through the rest of the drink.
How to make the Fruity Islander – When I first made this I made it in a 10 oz peels bottle w/ Everclear® insTead of Vodka, if you just stir or shake this drink up you won’t notIce the alcohol at all. My brother was the first person to try my drink and didn’t notIce the Everclear® and drank the 10 oz peels in one hit, the second hit he made was the floor! You can change the alcohol or Soda to anything you like and it still tastes great.When pouring the ingredients try and float as many as possible 1st: pour in your Green Creme de Menthe: try not to get any on the sides yet as this adds to the flavor and color later on. 2nd: pour in the Pina Colada Mix in the center of the Green Creme de Menthe: if done right the Syrup will ride up the sides of the glass and give the illusion that it is half full of Green Creme de Menthe. 3rd: pour the Soda and the Juice in at the same time or from a preMixed glass into the center of the Mix: usually the Juice and Soda wil Mix and float on top of the Green Creme de Menthe and the Mix giving a nIce red layer.4th: float your choIce of Vodka or any other 100+ Proof on top. Serve w/ a stir stick or umbrella and a piece of semi sweet dark Green Creme de Menthe
How to make the Dirty Mexican Lemonade – First add Vodka to Lemonade, Lemon Lime Soda goes in last. Stir.
How to make the Down Home Punch #2 – Combine ingredients. Serve with Ice.
How to make the Downshift – Start with the Lemon Lime Soda. Next comes the Tequila. After that, add the Minute Maid Fruit Punch, then float the 151. Rocks optional.
How to make the Big Apple And Lemon Lime Soda – Pour all ingredients over Ice, stir and enjoy!
How to make the Alaskan Iced Tea – Mix the Rum, Gin, Vodka, blue Curacao, and Sour Mix in a Mixing glass. Pour into an Ice-filled highball glass, and top withLemon Lime Soda. Garnish with a twist of Lemon or Lime, and top with a Cherry. Serve.
How to make the Veterinary – Pour alcohol over Ice Cubes in tall glass. Add Lime Juice and Lemon Lime Soda / 7up. Stir well.
How to make the Brain Fart – Mix all ingredients together. Slowly and gently. Works best if Ice is added to Punch bowl and Soda’s are very cold.
How to make the Irish Cream Special – Put Ice in bottom of glass. Slowly pour Bailey’s® Irish Cream over
How to make the Aquarius – Pour the Scotch, Cherry Brandy and Cranberry Juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with
How to make the Margaret In The Marketplace – In a shaker half-filled with Ice Cubes, combine all of the
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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