Tequila Pop
How to make the Tequila Pop – Pour ingredients into a tall Shot Glass. Cover the glass with a coaster or hand and slam the glass hard onto the table. Shoot immediately.
How to make the Tequila Pop – Pour ingredients into a tall Shot Glass. Cover the glass with a coaster or hand and slam the glass hard onto the table. Shoot immediately.
How to make the Tequila Bang Bang Mexico Style – . I had this drink when I went to mexico on my all inclusive stay at the hotel. The bartender knew what to give me when I got there! Seis Cervezas por favor y tres Tequila bang bangs! Areba!. “Make sure to have a taller Shot Glass. Put Tequila in then add the Grenadine Syrup then fill the rest of the Shot Glass with Lemon Lime Soda. Take a short 2×4 piece of wood you might have around and a napkin. Place the napkin over the Shot Glass so it doesn’t fizz up. Take one end of the wood on your table with your left hand and raise it about six inches off the surface. Take the Shot Glass in your right hand. Slam the glass onto the wood and let the wood fall from your hand to the surface. Remove napkin and drink quick! it’s great fun and tastes real good.”
How to make the Tequila Head Slam – Build the three ingredients in a Shot Glass in the order listed. Fold a paper bar napkin and place firmly over the top. Slam the Shot Glass on the table, bar, etc. Make sure the drink fizzes. Turn the drink up and ‘Slam It Into Your Head’ before the fizzing subsides or try to be the first to re-slam the empty Shot Glass to the bar in a ‘Group Head Slam’.
How to make the Tequila Bang Bang – The Tequila Bang Bang is akin to most slammers in that the holding technique difficult to grasp at first. But as with everything in life, practIce makes perfect.Pour ingredients, in equal parts, into a Shot Glass. Put your hand on it and be sure it’s hermetic. Slam it on the table, and shoot.
How to make the Santa Fe – In a highball or tall glass full of Ice, pour a full shot of your favorite Tequila. Fill the glass almost to the top with 7up Add Triple Sec, and garnish with a Lime wedge.
How to make the Spic – Pour in all ingredients then Mix completely so that the drink turns a red color. Add more Grenadine Syrup for a sweeter, thicker taste.
How to make the Purple Haze #1 – Fill 12 oz glass with Ice. Add alcohol and Sour. Top off with 7 up.
How to make the Popper – Pour Tequila into Shot Glass. Fill the rest of glass with 7up. Cover top of glass with hand and slam hard onto counter or bar. This causes shot to fizz, so drink quickly!
How to make the Muppet – With the Shot Glass you pour half a glass with Tequila and the other half with 7up. Take the glass already filled with both drinks, take it with palm holding the top of the glass (so the liquid would not come out) and you hit to the table so it will stirr, and you drink the whole.
How to make the Mexican Pebble – Chill all ingredients. Mix everything together in a shaker, shake and pour.
How to make the Fart In the Ocean – Add Tequila and chilled 7 up to glass, drop in one sweet prune in each glass. Add Ice if you wish.
How to make the Bloody Mary – Shake all ingredients (except Lime wedge) with Ice and strain into an Old
How to make the Carbomb – Combine the Bailey’s and Whiskey in a Shot Glass. Drop Shot Glass into Beer.
How to make the Florida – Shake all ingredients with Ice, strain into a Cocktail Glass, and serve.
How to make the Don’t Fear the Fairy – I haven’t actually heard of anyone doing this so from what
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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