Hunch Punch
How to make the Hunch Punch – Put them all together and Mix it with a lot of Ice. For big parties use more of each and Mix in a garbage can.
How to make the Hunch Punch – Put them all together and Mix it with a lot of Ice. For big parties use more of each and Mix in a garbage can.
How to make the Hellfire – Tastes like Big Red gum, but very strong.Take both the 1 oz of DeKuyper® Hot Damn Cinnamon Schnapps 100 and Graves 190 grain Mix with Ice. Poor out into Shot Glass with a strainer.
How to make the Hell No – Pour and stir each ingredient into a Mixing glass with Ice, stirring continuously. Strain into Shot Glasses, and serve.
How to make the Hawaiian Clear – Combine ingredients with Crushed Ice in desired glass.
How to make the Harry Alligator – Layer ingredients in order listed above. Then squeeze Lemon over layered ingredients. Be sure to mount Lemon wedge on side of glass or place in glass.
How to make the Green Creme de Menthe Covered Cherry Bomb – Dissolve Everclear® and Sugar into a tiny bowl. Pour equal amount into two Shot Glasses, ignite each Shot Glass for a couple seconds, then blow them out. Mix the Grenadine Syrup and Green Creme de Menthe into a third Shot Glass. Shoot the first two Everclear®/Sugar shots right away followed by the Grenadine Syrup/Green Creme de Menthe shot.
How to make the Liquid Heroin #3 – Shake everything together and strain into Shot Glass.
How to make the Grain Punch – First and foremost, BUY A NEW GARBAGE CAN, and wash it out thoroughly!!!!! (Preferably the big ones 40-55gal). First Pour in all of the Grain (10 bottles of 1.75ml [Handle]), keep in mind that this recipe is for a Large Party, not 10 people sitting around getting loaded…..Anyway, next add the dry packets of Mix. We used to get the largest industrial bags we could, don’t go for quality, you’re not going to remember anyway. Now this is the most critical part, the fruit. This is why I put this on here…any joker can make Punch, but I figured I would distribute my years of fruit research for free….the Best friends you have in the Fruit community are the Orange and the Apple. This is because they absorb the grain better than anything else I tested. So make sure you get some of these in every glass you get, and eat them, DON’T EVER THROW THESE OUT, this is the best part of the drink. Bananas suck, they get gushy, Watermelon works ok but the seeds get to be a pain in the ass when you can’t see so well, Pineapple is good, basically you get the point. Cut the fruit into wedges and throw it in the Mix and let it sit around for a minute…Now throw in the bags of Ice and fill it up to desired potency with Water, Mixing can be done with a canoe paddle or a 2×4 or anything else you’ve got lying around…a disposable camera is usually a good partner while drinking this concoction, people get really outta hand and go off the deep end…..This goes well as an Ice block shot too.
How to make the Fuzzy Napalm – Pour the Peach Schnapps first. Top with Orange, and then alcohol. Shoot before it Mixes.
How to make the Dragon Sweat #2 – Combine ingredients in a Shot Glass.
How to make the Dragon Sweat – Pour ingredients into Shot Glass and serve.
How to make the Zoksel – No specific Mixing instructions, just poor every ingredient in one glass. The Lemon goes
How to make the Three Sheets to The Wind – Combine ingredients in a Shot Glass.
How to make the Purple Nipple – Pour ingredients over Ice and shake well. Strain into Shot Glass and enjoy!
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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