Hotel Plaza Cocktail
How to make the Hotel Plaza Cocktail – Stir all ingredients (except Pineapple) with Ice and strain into a Cocktail Glass. Decorate with the crushed slIce of Pineapple and serve.
How to make the Hotel Plaza Cocktail – Stir all ingredients (except Pineapple) with Ice and strain into a Cocktail Glass. Decorate with the crushed slIce of Pineapple and serve.
How to make the Bronx Cocktail (Dry) – Shake all ingredients (except Orange slIce) with Ice and strain into a Cocktail Glass. Add Orange slIce and serve.
How to make the Country Club Cooler – Pour Grenadine Syrup and 2 oz. carbonated Water into a Collins Glass and stir. Add Ice Cubes and Dry Vermouth. Fill with carbonated Water and stir again. Add the twist of Lemon Peel and the Orange Spiral so that the end dangles over rim of glass.
How to make the Bronx Silver Cocktail – Shake all ingredients with Ice, strain into a Whiskey Sour glass, and serve.
How to make the Bronx Cocktail – Shake all ingredients (except Orange slIce) with Ice and strain into a Cocktail Glass. Add Orange slIce and serve.
How to make the Dixie Cocktail – Shake all ingredients with Ice, strain into a Cocktail Glass, and serve.
How to make the Bronx Golden Cocktail – Shake all ingredients (except Orange slIce) with Ice and strain into a Whiskey Sour glass. Add the Orange slIce and serve.
How to make the Bronx Terrace Cocktail – Shake all ingredients (except Cherry) with Ice and strain into a Cocktail Glass. Top with the Cherry and serve.
How to make the Soup Nazi – Concocted while watching Seinfeld’s . Soup Nazi. ” episode. . “No more Soup for you!!!. “Serve in a warm Shot Glass.”
How to make the Jacobs Haze – Mix Vodka, Jagermeister® and Red Bull® Energy Drink in a glass. Add Ice and a slIce of Kiwi.
How to make the Angel Delight – I have a bar in Dundee, Scotland.. I asked the staff to invent a cocktail and name it aptly… So mine became Angel Delight as my name is Angela, my fave drinks are Jägermeister and Strawberry Tequila so I Mixed them together and added the Strawberry slush… tastes awesome put all ingredients in cocktail shaker, shake and pour into martini glass, decorate with Strawberry
How to make the Russian Roulette – Fill two or more shooter 1 oz. shooter glasses with the Kahlúa® and Vodka and place a slIce of Orange on the top of each glass. Put the Sambuca in a wine glass and light. Pour the lit Sambuca on the shooters below and let burn for a short time in front of your bedazzled guests. Blow out the fire and instruct the drinkers of the shooters to drink out of the glass first and chew the Sambuca-soaked Orange slIce last.
How to make the Pillow Mint – Add the Whiskey fist, then Kahlúa® . Finally, add a splash of the
How to make the Slushy – Mix drink with Crushed Ice or blend with 2 1/2 scoops of Ice. For
How to make the Tase And Name It – Honestly, this drink came from desperation. We’d just run out of
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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