How to make the Shinebomb – Mix like a jager bomb glass or just like you would any other kind of bomb.
How to make the Shinebomb – Mix like a jager bomb glass or just like you would any other kind of bomb.
How to make the Up all night – Pour Red Bull® Energy Drink into a Collins Glass. Pour a shot of Jagermeister® into a Shot Glass. When ready to drink, drop the shot into the Collins Glass and drink.
How to make the Undead Monkey – A drink with a kick, the Undead Monkey is popular around halloween season and Medieval Fairs.Mix shot in order. Stir and enjoy.
How to make the Thrilla In Vanilla – Invented in Madison, WI by a lover of caffeine, alcohol, and bombs. The drink is noted for the almost unnotIceable taste of alcohol, even when made as a double. it’s like an Irish Coffee with the Punch of Muhammad Ali.Pour 1/3 of a can (5 oz) of Rockstar Roasted Latte Energy Drink into a rocks glass. Pour into a Shot Glass 1/3 of a shot of Baileys Irish Cream, and 2/3 of a shot of Vanilla Vodka. Drop the Shot Glass into the Rockstar and pound it.
How to make the The Marines Alibi – I came up with the drink one night when I was drinking with a buddy, we were trying different things together, and it turned out really good! I started introducing it to everyone I know and now it is like a must have drink. The name came a few nights later, I am in the Marine Corps and if you know any Marines you know how they can be when they drink. So we started calling it The Marines Alibi to explain why we act the way we do when we have been drinking a bit! Have fun with and be safe….OOH-RAH and Semper Fi!Mix the Monster, Jager, and Peach Schnapps in a glass, add Ice, and stir…..Enjoy!
How to make the All Night Hunter – Pour equal amounts into a Shot Glass, and serve.
How to make the Murky Water #2 – Very simple shot, pour and serve. Tastes fruity and delicious. Great for anyone looking for a yag bomb but without the horrible taste.
How to make the Johnny Vega – I came across this drink at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Tampa Florida when I saw about 10 people in a group order them I asked the bartender what it was & as soon as I had my first & was hooked!Pour 1 oz Red Bull® Energy Drink, 1 oz Watermelon pucker, & 1 oz Patron Silver Tequila into Shot Glass & serve!
How to make the Jager Bomb – The Jager Bomb is Originally a Mixture of Red Bull® Energy Drink and Jagermeister®, both being popular products, although it’s increasingly common for other Energy Drinks to be substituted for the RB. The caffeine-alcohol combination creates a unique . high. ” or at the very least a counteract to the depressant of alcohol – making you more aware more energetic and more active.Pour red bull into a medium sized glass. Add a Shot Glass of Jagermeister® and chug.”
How to make the Agent Orange #3 – Stir in an Old Fashioned Glass, and serve.
How to make the Irish Monster – This is a typical party favorite here in Dallas, Tx. we like to say, . Slammin Em down doin’em dirty in D-Town. ” as we toast up the Irish Monster. Our family is from Ireland and so this is our tribute to the Jeager Bomb. It’s a….. family tradition.Fill glass with 3-5oz. of Monster Energy Drink (Green)
How to make the Adrenaline Rush – Pour ingredients over Ice Cubes in a tall glass, stir and serve.
How to make the B-52 #5 – Fill 1/3th of the glass with Tia Maria® Coffee Liqueur. Then pour smoothly
How to make the Banana Italiano – Blend with cracked Ice until smooth and pour into a chilled Cocktail Glass.
How to make the Long Vodka – Shake a tall glass with Ice Cubes and Angostura®, coating the inside of
How to make the Kanawful’s SeRum – Pour 1 part Kahlúa® , then pour 1 part Cream de Cacao (white),
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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