Irish Coffee #2
How to make the Irish Coffee #2 – Mix Coffee and chilled Irish Cream and half & half. Add Sugar and stir. Serve hot in an Irish Coffee Collins Glass.
How to make the Irish Coffee #2 – Mix Coffee and chilled Irish Cream and half & half. Add Sugar and stir. Serve hot in an Irish Coffee Collins Glass.
How to make the Jedi Mind Trick #2 – Combine about 1/3 oz. of each of the above into one Shot Glass and shoot.
How to make the K.G.B. #2 – Pour each ingredient in Shot Glass floating each time. Make sure Galliano® Herbal Liqueur is on top.
How to make the Guapo – Fill Coffee mug 3/4 full, add Irish Cream, Kahlúa® and then Butterscotch Schnapps.
How to make the Green Creme de Menthe Covered Cherries – Layer carefully using the back of a spoon. Grenadine Syrup first, then Kahlúa® and then Baileys.
How to make the Green Creme de Menthe Otis – Add from darkest to lightest (Kahlúa® , Irish Cream, Bacardi 151). For a delightful twist, ignite the 151 for a Flaming Otis.
How to make the Green Creme de Menthe Chequita – This drink won the Canadian National Cocktail competition in 1987 hosted by the Bartenders’ Association of Canada and was entered in the International Competition in Rome, Italy where it places a respectable 15th world wide.Inventor: Frank DrinkWater, Bar manager and Head Bartender, Deerhurst Resort, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada.Cut a 1/2 inch slIce of Banana and set aside for garnish. Add Crushed Ice, Banana, Irish Cream , Green Creme de Menthe and Kahlúa® together in a blender. Blend on frappe for 45 seconds or until smooth. The Mixture should have the consistency of a fast food shake when ready. Form the slIce of Banana and Cherry into garnish. Add thick straws and enjoy!
How to make the Flaming JT Bomber – Layer the first 4 ingredients in a Shot Glass or pony glass. Carefully flame the 151 Rum (the 1/4 oz) and slowly pour on top. Serve.
How to make the Gingersnap – Shake Kahlúa® , Baileys irish Cream, Frangelico® Hazelnut Liqueur, and Jagermeister® in Ice-filled shaker, and strain contents into Ice-filled highball glass. Fill with Cola.
How to make the Flaming Pumpkin – Layer in order then light on fire and sprinkle some Cinnamon on top. Extinguish fire and serve.
How to make the Flying Monkey – Layer each ingredient starting with Kahlúa® , then Baileys and finish with the Banana Liqueur. If you have difficulty layering the shooter (shot) use a Teaspoon held upside down and poor over slowly.
How to make the Feel The Burn – Layer all ingredients and light on fire to warm. Blow out flame and drink in one gulp.
How to make the Lemon Flip – Put several Ice Cubes in a shaker, add Egg Yolk, Simple Syrup and
How to make the Ladies Cocktail #2 – Stir well with Ice. Strain into glass. Serve with piece of Pineapple
How to make the ET – Invented by several of my (retrospectively) foolhardy friends… the . ET. ” or .
How to make the Zadarade – Fill glass with Ice Cubes. Add Absolut Mandarin, Triple Sec, and Sour Mix. Add
How to make the Wild Sex – Fill glass with Ice and pour Malibu, Peach Schnapps and 151 into glass.
How to make the Whitecap Margarita – Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes one
How to make the White Mistress – Half fill glass with Ice. Pour Liqueurs into beaker, half full with Ice.
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